You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
Gearbuff brings to you top-of-the-line SOFT range of dog harnesses, a power gear for your pets where safety meets style & comfort. You have the power to protect and give your furry friend the ultimate security they deserve when outdoors or even indoors. Dog full body belt that is completely adjustable Gearfbuff Soft Harness range is the most trusted dog harness. This is meticulously crafted and is designed with the highest quality materials, ensuring a comfortable fit and unmatched durability. With adjustable straps and a secure locking mechanism, you can rest assured that your canine companion will stay securely by your side during walks, hikes, or adventures. Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your beloved pet is both safe and stylish. Choose our premium dog harnesses and embrace a new level of security for your furry family member. Choose from lovely vibrant colours and a perfect size that suits your little furry companion. The best amongst all dog essentials, it allows you to take total control of them. Does not pull, jolt or shock your doggos. Does not affect their skin or fur coat.
This item is non-returnable. Exchange or credit in Petoska wallet available only for defective or damaged goods.
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You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 530.00 (36%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)