You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 225.00 (35%)
In summary, the Gearbuff Premium Leash stands as your furry friend's ultimate outdoor companion. Prioritizing security and control, it caters to dogs of all sizes and ages. Crafted from pet-friendly materials and featuring a robust bolt snap hook, it remains securely fastened. This lightweight leash with a gentle texture ensures a comfortable walking experience while adding a touch of fashion to your pet's look. Whether for outdoor strolls or puppy training, the Gearbuff Premium Leash seamlessly combines strength, style, and convenience.
This item is non-returnable. Exchange or credit in Petoska wallet available only for defective or damaged goods.
For more, please visit the Shipping & Return Policy Section to get answers to all your questions
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 340.00 (53%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)
You Save - ₹ 75.00 (17%)